Session 1 – Another Brick in the Wall

We are Zanne, a human monk; Belgha, a half-elf bard; Lennon, a halfling sorcerer; Fianna, a human female barbarian; and Miri, a half-elf shaman. We are all from the area around Neverwinter, and it is 30 years after the spell plague.

Before we arrive in Neverwinter, we all have a strange dream of walking a long distance, searching and seeing faces around us. It makes us think that we are destined for something great.

We travel to the city in search of adventure, and have heard tales of the money they are offering to those willing to lend their services to the city. They are offering 300 gold per week to work for the city. All of us sign up and pack into a room, there are free drinks here that most of us imbibe. Lord Neverember comes in and tells us that he wishes to rebuild his city and we will be part of this.

Generals comes in and tells us that we are all on the first watch of the outer wall facing the scarred part of the city. Others are less than happy to get worse jobs than we got or no job at all. The generals explain the rules to us in great detail, things like rules of behavior and protocol. They do not provide us a place to sleep, but there is a small island to the east that has a nice inn. Others have just been sleeping on the street or in repaired buildings. The other bridges in the area are almost all broken and unusable. Finally we make our way to the wall and are shown where we will be guarding. We hear people saying that those who went into the scarred part of the city returned mentally damaged, and they eventually disappeared.

We spend the time until our shift begins, the next morning, to check out the area. Miri goes to the barracks and talks to the people training; Fianna just waits for her shift to begin; Belgha finds an elderly couple that have a room to let; and Zanne goes to the street with the merchants and finds that most of the items here are probably stolen.

That evening a group of guards returns from the Chasm into the Protector’s Enclave (where all of us are) and are quickly escorted away by a group of guards. This makes all of us somewhat uneasy.

The next morning we show up in our designated spot but the general who gave us the instructions is nowhere to be found. Soon the previous shift of guards come down from the wall, and they tell us to go up. As we go up we see for the first time the amount of destruction beyond the wall. We see strange bodies that may or may not be humans. By lunchtime there has not been much activity and we are getting bored.

After lunch the female general loops around us and doesn’t seem to much like what she sees, except for Fianna. She spits off of the wall and picks out a few half-elves and also the five of us, choosing us to head into the Chasm.