Session 37 – The Dead Isles

We come to the shipyard and the ships are finished being prepared. They had to cut down many trees to make the ammunition for the ballistas. Chiana takes Krodmich aside to their workshop area, and presents the dwarf with two huge ancient metal cannons. The cannons are the fabled creations of an ancient dwarf that previously Krodmich thought was fictional. She also gives Krodmich two huge leather-bound books written in dwarven that outline step by step how to create gunpowder and also how to create the runes that power the cannons.

Chiana explains that one of the original dwarves who helped carve out these caverns was the one who created the cannons. Krodmich thanks her and says that these are priceless gifts.

After this Chiana comes out and asks us what our strategies are. Aliga suggests that we use oil and pitch to pour on the creature or the water near it and light it on fire. Eilenos says that perhaps we could use a ship as a decoy and burn it as the snake is wrapping itself around the ship. Krodmich offers to let Sarthisis use his Horn of Summoning to summon the creature if he means to stand against it on the decoy ship. Different munitions including swords or nails to act as a cannon “shotgun.”

We depart, with all of the group on Chiana’s ship which is heavily armed, and Sarthisis is on the decoy ship with a skeleton crew and several cows for bait. It takes us several hours to travel to the south part of the island where it is believed that the snake resides. It is a clear, calm day on the sea. We get near to the supposed lair, and ahead we see a large mass of ships heading towards us. They are flying black ragged flags and are shoddily constructed. Eilenos begins to ask Chiana who these people are, and she interrupts by yelling “ORK SHIPS!!” to her crew. Everyone prepares for battle.

The cannon fires and strikes the side of one of the ork ships, and then we open up with arrows. Soon the orks are within melee range. Three of their ships are cleared within short order and we await the arrival of the other ones.

Suddenly we see the sea snake come out of the water and wrap itself around one of the ork ships. The other orks are reacting to try and get away. Sarthisis has his ship cut loose and brings it around towards the snake to ram it. The ship hits it square in the middle and grappling hooks are thrown around the beast to halt it from escaping. Hails of arrows and a ballista bolt strike him as well. He tries to attacks Aliga but misses. Krodmich rushes in with two axes and slices the beast, killing it.

Most of the orks have abandoned their ships and are trying to swim away, and we decide that we must not leave them to find us another day. We end them with arrows, though we are not happy to attack helpless prey.

Porodo speaks with the local fish and they tell him that its lair is deep under the water, close by to where we are. He asks them to go there and report back about what is there. They leave and return 45 minutes later, explaining that the lair is empty except for some bones. We bring up the sails and head back to the pirates’ lair, towing seven of the ork ships along with us to use for parts or extra ships for fishing.

Upon returning we help look through the ork ships. We find rotten food and ork feces, as well as some crude weapons that they were using. There are several strong boxes with some gold in them as well, which our group appropriates.

Chiana asks us what we would like to do next, and we ask her for passage to Nyambe. We suggest that she start working on the ork ships to get them ship-shape. Josephus tells us to get some rest before we depart, and takes Chiana aside to tell her what she must do next.