Episode 20 – Welcome to Neverland Ranch

Shortly after getting back to the Triple Tap.  Lucille walks in and says the man in black shot her and rode away.  She is just grazed and is OK.

Lorelei is handling the map and realizes some liquid has been sprayed on it.  It is oil, which probably means there is secret writing on the map.  Lawrence runs over to the hotel and gets ink, and then puts it on the map.  We see strange symbols and writing, but it doesn’t seem recognizable.  Robert Ford/Lucille looks at the map and sees the same, it is organized but she can’t read it.  We crash for the night.  An hour later we are awakened again by the door opening and closing.  Fossar walks in.  He remembers dying in Poker Alice’s body, and hearing her consciousness scream and fading away.  Then he saw himself decomposing, but then woke up in the mines.  He got up and ran, but might have seen our bodies in there as well. We rest for what is left of the night, and Fossar gets some food.

April 29th.  When we get up we sense the same danger that we felt in South Fork.  Glen Reese finishes scavenging the herbs for Grey Owl. When he gets back we head for the mine entrance with the excavating equipment.  Some of Lucilles followers show up but we tell them Lucille had to leave town.  The blacksmith makes a few more grenades before we leave.

Once at the mine opening he sets up the excavation equipment and we start widening the hole.  Grey Owl shows up, still in the kids body.  He looks concerned.  Someone destroyed all of the wards at his camp.  He looks at the mine map and says that it seems to have some Native American symbols but he can not translate it without books from his camp.  We find the opening and Glenn notices some evidence of Fossar leaving the tunnel.  We start digging at the rubble and are able to get through after an hour.  We head into the mine.

It is very quiet and I takes us an hour to get back down. There have been some small cave ins, but we can get through.  But then we Come to a large cave in.  We start digging our way though it.  After a while we get through.  We get back to the cave with the zombies but their bodies are gone.  They were dragged off.  We  keep on and eventually come to the river that we encountered before.  Sill no sign of our bodies.

We go under the river and come out in the next chamber.  Still nothing.  We go on to the next chamber and find a huge zombie mining operation.  They are digging silver and ghost rock.  We back out to the prior chamber and ask Grey Owl if he can get us to the hunting ground.  He says he can, and starts the ritual.   After some time he says go now and we jump back into the river.

Something is poking us and we are in a forest and covered in pine needles.  We hear something about 100 feet away, chanting.  We see a clearing with stone slabs and bodies attached to them.  There are 5 or 6 creatures chanting or dancing around the bodies.

Lorelai steps out of the woods and drops one of the zombies with a shotgun.  Robert Ford hits another with his rifle, and the blacksmith drops the same one.  They chant at us but nothing happens.  Lawrence kills another.  We rapidly dispatch the other two and run to check the bodies. Maverick and Grey Owl are missing, but the rest are here.  The kid (Grey Owl) shows up and says we are not in the hunting grounds but actually are in the woods outside of town.

Grey Owl starts trying to put Lucille back in her body.   He dances, chants, and Lucille feels like she is falling away from Robert.  She wakes up and is back in her own body.  Next she and Grey Owl work on Thaddeus.  He wakes up, then Magnus, and finally Jimmy.

We start tracking the way Maverick’s body was taken.  It seems to be back towards town.  The tracks lead into the town.  Lucille and Magnus run back to the Triple Tap and get supplies while we keep following the tracks.   We get to the Paradise Hotel and the tracks go inside.   We go inside and see Maverick playing cards.  Clearly someone is using his body.  Thaddeus take him to the bar and talks to him, but Maverick pulls a gun on him.