Episode 16 – I will taunt her a second time, then smack her brain hole

Anita backs away from the barn, cursing and calling for help.  Magnus hits her with a bolt but she shrugs it off.  Jimmy tries grabbing the bag of spices from her neck, but she dodges.  Fossar taunts her and Thaddeus hits her with a potion, but she ignores them both.

Fossar taunts her a second time.  This time she seems affected.  She screams and moves away.  Several zombies appear from the old Indian longhouses and start moving toward us.  Thaddeus shoots and misses.  Magnus tries to pull out a new gun from his magic sack, but it fails miserably.  The gun blows up and injures him.  Jimmy runs up and slashes her.  Her head scarf flies off and the top of her head is missing.  Her brains are exposed, but she took no damage from the axe slashes.  He yells and swings again, aiming at her brain. Brains spray out and she seems injured for the first time.

Fossar keeps up his taunts, and Magnus shoots her again but with no damage.   The zombies move in and swarm Jimmy.   One hits but does not damage Jimmy.   One of the miners is killed by another zombie.  Jimmy swings wildly and kills Anita but smashing the last of her brains.  The zombies go crazy.  Thaddeus hits Jimmy and the zombies, trapping all of them.

Thaddeus shoots another zombie and kills it.  Fossar runs up and smashes another with a shovel.  He splatters it and is covered in infectious gore, but shrugs it off.  Jimmy breaks free and eliminates two more zombies.  The last zombie shoots Magnus with a bow and wounds him, but Fossar removes its head.

Thaddeus grabs the spices and gives some to Maverick, but it has no effect.  He starts to feel better after a while.  We drag the bodies into the barn and light it on fire.  We heal everyone who was hurt.  We search the town and find some newer tracks going into the homes.

We follow the tracks and find tons of supplies in some of the houses. We load up the wagon, and scrounge up another wagon as well.  What we can’t carry we hide in a cellar and booby trap.   Knowing it is too far we decide to spend the night before heading out.  We stash the wagons in a barn and set up watches.

About 4 am we hear noise coming down the street.  A tall man in black is dragging something.  As he gets closer we see that the man is dragging a body.  He talks to Fossar and says come down here, you got a live one.  Fossar walks up to him and sees it is Bat Masterson and he is moving.  We buried him because he was dead and cold.  The man in black says the dead around here don’t stay dead, so he helps by giving the dead an elixir that keeps the animating demon at bay.  The person can then lead a normal life, they just aren’t breathing.

The man in black introduces himself as the prospector.  He gives a bottle of the elixir to Fossar, then he says farewell and leave.  The condition of the recovered dead is “harrowed”, returned to the land of the living.

We head to Spar City, spend the night.  There is no one around.  We head out early and get to Paradise Falls in mid afternoon.  There is a large encampment that wasn’t there when we left.  They are the dust brothers, Jimmy’s kin and friends.  Jimmy greets them and talks to them, and so does Magnus.  We take the supplies to the Triple Tap.

We are greeted as heroes when we come in with the supplies.  We see several of the buildings have been repaired and the town is slowly coming back to life.

You also see a lot of signs talking about the new guy running for mayor.  We get to Triple Tap and a bunch of people are outside chanting.  Lucille is sitting in a chair in the corner, and these are her worshippers.  She leads the crowd out, then comes back in to talk to us. We bring in the rest of the food.  Thaddeus heads up to his lab to work on the new potions and the spices.  He realizes he can replicate the  Elixir but needs to find some more rare ingredients.  He can talk to Grey Owl to get the rest.