Session 11 – Gnollwood

Rather than travel the long miles to the Elven city, a portal to Daemyr is created for us, and we step through to find ourselves only a few miles from the town.

A Kithsara approaches us a few moments later and introduces himself as Thatsaru. He is an emmisary from the Elven Matriarch in Daemyr, and he is to lead us into the town. He accompanies us for the remainder of the trip.

As we near the city, we are beset by a group of brigands. Eilenos, being unused to the heavy armor and weapons of a Berethenu Knight, falls victim to one of their blades and falls unconscious. As the brigands are defeated, however, it is discovered that their weapons carry a diseased taint and they all are marked with a strange skull tattoo on their arms.

The group continues into Daemyr, carrying the unconscious Eilenos, and meet Josephus. Eilenos is healed by one of the royal priestesses, and as he recovers the group discusses the origin of their attackers.

Josephus identifies the skull tatto that they carried as the mark of Necros’ Leage of Assassins. Apparently Necros has teamed with Galignan, the god of disease, and this explains the taint on the weapons.

We rest for the evening.

The next morning we re-supply and sell some of the “loot” from our previous adventures at a few of the local establishments. We return a few hours later to the temple for a summit with Josephus and Daemyr’s Matriarch.

The Matriarch tells us of two threats that we could possibly address at the time being. The first is a situation at a nearby town, which has been overrun by a group of hyena-men known as Gnolls. The Gnolls have taken over the forest north of Fort Talethus, and it is now being referred to as Gnollwood. Fort Talethus has been attacked extensively by the Gnolls, and they will need assistance in defending against this threat.

Also, there have been stirrings from Skraag, the former Dwarven empire that is now occupied by Orcs. Reports of undead forces attacking temples of Berethenu all over Juravia are rampant, and it seems that Skraag may be readying some sort of attack on the Elven kingdom of Elleday.

We decide that Gnollwood is the more imminent threat, and decide to travel to Fort Talethus. The Matriarch promises assistance, and presents gifts to the members of our group.

Among them are Karathel’s Vestments, a magical armored vest; Kili’s Storm, deadly twin scimitars; Brom’s Call, a horn of summoning; Erethel’s Bow & Quiver, which replensihes its own supply of arrows; and Antinius’ Charm of Righteousness, a sacred amulet.