
Session 6 – Evil Lingers

Lucile visits the Mayor’s house to get information about the last murder. Upon arrival, she is informed the the mayor has gotten worse overnight and in not able to speak now.

Lucile notes the change in the mayor and makes her way to Ollie’s Bar to investigate the last murder. Upon arrival, she assenses the area and notices that there is residual magic in the area.

People rendezvous at the hotel for breakfast. After breakfast the group begins to explore the rest town. The group starts with Ollie’s and are met by the Irish owner. We find out that his wife left with the other town in February. The group then heads to the Yellow Canary the Mining bar. On approach there is big commotion coming from the bar. The miners have been drinking all night and are really drunk. The bar keep mentions that the miners have been drinking for the last few months. Magnus asks how the miners are paying for the booze. He explains that they have been pawning everything to pay for booze. Maverick asks if he had acquired a Colt Peace and surprisingly he has, but it is dirty and needs some maintenance. Maverick purchases it for $10, then asks for oil and rags to clean it with. The proprietor reminds him that this isn’t a gun store, but gets the items anyway.

Charlotte tries talking to one of the miners, but the guy just pukes on her shoes. She makes her way to the next guy who seems to be a bit less drunk. He tries to make some moves on Charlotte but she is having none of it. The group wraps it up an makes their way further down main street.

The group decides to head to the compound just outside of town. We stop at the hotel and pick up Fossor. We are greeted by Jenkin’s 20 year old daughter, Dolly. Lucile asks her about the Medicine man that her dad was seeing months ago. We finds out that the Medicine man was located 5 miles south of the compound. She explains that she followed her dad, and when she reached the site of the Medicine man she was overwhelmed with a joyous feeling.

Leaving the compound we see that there is a commotion back in town. We ride back and see that Big Ed and some others cowpokes have a cart. Big Ed is scamming people with soap by putting a $5 in the soap and encouraging townspeople to try their luck buying some soap and perhaps they could win. Two guys win the $5 and run off. Magnus and Charlotte follow them and hear them talking about getting the $5. Magnus steps out and asks them about their $5 and they take off running. Charlotte and Magnus give chase. Magnus tries to trip of them and fails. He then casts barrrier and the two run into it and are knocked unconscious. when they come around Charlotte gets one of them to admit they were scamming the crowd. Magnus gives them the third degree, tells them not to do anything like this again. They are ashamed and vow not to do it again.

Maverick notices that Robert Ford, the famous outlaw, is standing in the doorway of the dancing club, shaking his head at what is going on. Maverick sends Charlotte down to the sheriff’s office to see if Robert Ford is wanted. Charlotte talks to the deputy and finds out that Ford has been here for years. The whole group then goes into Ford’s bar. Ford opens up and lays down the story of the town followed by his whole life story. Turns out that all the people who were killed were all vocal supporters of the Mayor.

After the bar the group grabs their horses and ride south to the medicine man. Lucile jumps off Magnus’ horse just before the group gets to the the encamp. Entering the camp everyone feels lighter and happier. On the cliff wall, ground and some of the trees there is a star symbol carved.

Charlotte and Maverick enter the tepee where the shaman is loudly chanting. Eventually the shaman stops chanting. He begins to speak with them. We find out that the shaman is good and has been keeping the evil at bay. He states that Lucille has had the ability to help the mayor all along. Then he says that he can help Fossor and begins a ritual. The shaman performs the ritual and a bright light is seen by the other posse members. Nothing seems to happen to him physically, but then he states that he can see now.

As we are riding back to town Charlotte suddenly jumps off her horse and begins running off to the side. Before she gets even a step, two huge boars attack the party. The first hits Charlotte full on and almost kills her. The second attempts to hit Lucille but misses. Lucille throws a spell and Magnus casts barrier around one of the boars. Fossor moves to the other one and takes it out with his shovel. Charlotte moves over to the front of the group badly wounded. the group stops to regroup and then Fossor asks for the barrier to be dropped. Magnus drops the barrier and Fossor dispatches the boar. Lucille and Magnus cast healing on Charlotte.

The group continues on toward to town. The goal is to visit the mine and investigate what the current state is. Maverick looks for the manager of the mine but no one is around. We gather up lanterns from the area and make our way into the mine. A heavier dread hangs here in the mine. As the group makes its way into the mining shaft it branches. The group goes right which leads down into the mine. It becomes obvious that this shaft has not been used in a long time. Everyone turns around and goes back to the first branch and continues upward. Shortly after that everyone hears a crunching from someone walking further down the shaft. Jimmy sees some recently footprints on the ground. Eventually the group catches up to four miners that are walking toward them. They have a vacant expression and do not acknowledge Magnus’ greetings. The group steps aside and allows the miners to pass.