Category Archives: Shadowrun

Session 12 – Kneecapper

We grab Overclock and Speech’s unconscious bodies and get out of the spaceport as quickly as possible. We see that a crowd of people have gathered, curious about the commotion. In the confusion we are able to get through unnoticed. We return to the ship and stow the prisoners in an extra bunk and bind them up. Stitch enacts a wireless jammer that will stop any communications that the hackers attempt. We remove the gear they carry including a Predator IV, a backpack server box and a 5,000 nuyen credstick.

Eve sees that we have received a communication from Bengal; he says that we should not come back to Venus but meet him at a safehouse of his on Mars. We start our trip towards Mars.

En route we begin interrogating Speech. He is not very helpul but says that Overclock was ordered to spread the Shitstorm virus by someone named “Zilch.” Eve and Raptor are frustrated with him and decide that they are going to blow him out the airlock. They tell him that they are going to let him go, and lead him to the airlock.

Once there he begins begging not to be tossed out, though the party is less than sympathetic. They taunt him for quite a long while. Cam comes around, and asks again why we have such a mad-on for the hacker. Eve and Raptor remind him that he was the one who we captured a few weeks earlier and let go, on the promise that he disappear. He later betrayed us to Overclock and we found him running with her. Upon hearing this, Cam becomes angry and opens the airlock. He shoots Speech once in each kneecap, slams the door and punches the button, shooting him out into space. Everyone else is stunned.

We come to Mars and land, meeting Bengal at his safehouse. We turn over Overclock and all her gear and server. Bengal says that we will get an extra tip for bringing in the server, so he gives us 60,000 nuyen. He says that we are welcome to stay for a while if we’d like. The party decides to go shopping while we are staying on Mars. Some weapons, tools and supplies are purchased.

Later we see a news feed that says there is an illegal xeno-zoo on Mars that had several creatures escape. It looks like the bounty for a live male is 30,000 and for the only female it is over 100,000 nuyen. The creatures are called “Savannah Sharks” and are 9 feet in height, resembling velociraptors. The most recent sighting is a farm off to the east.

We go to the farm on a borrowed ATV and see an obvious path of destruction. There are several news agencies here and other hunters on ATV’s. We follow the path but lose the tracks after it goes into the river. We follow the river to the east to see what else we can find.

Session 11 – Chunky Salsa

Kino calls Eve and says that Speech has skipped town with some chick to St. Gregory’s, which is on the other side of Pallas from St. Martinsburg. We suspect that the “chick” is in fact Overclock herself. We decide to head back to the ship and abandon our current effort of chasing the RFID tag.

While back at the ship we take inventory of what we need to bring or get in order to head off Overclock in St. Gregory. We decide to send Stitch to watch ClimaStat in case she heads back there.

We do a search on Yusuf’s people in the area of St. Gregory, and come up with Quantum, another hacker who has supposedly gone legit. He now works in a hardware customization shop with a couple of other guys. There is seemingly no other chatter about him for the past few months. The other is named Twilight; we cannot find out too much about her except she has been more active in the last few months.

We decide to contact Twilight and ask for her help or hire her. She returns our email a short while later and asks if we will need her in town and how much we will be paying. Eve says that we should meet to discuss the terms.

Shortly after, we come to Twilight’s place and meet her in person. We explain that we are looking for a heavy amount of traffic in the area coming from a spammer program called Shitstorm. We explain that Overclock has been operating in the area and we just flushed her back to St. Greg’s from her previous digs. Twilight says that if she is getting mixed up with the corps, potentially, she won’t do anything for less than 10 grand. Eve says that we will speak to our employers about the cash.

Eve emails Yusuf and he responds moments later. He has a key that we can give Twilight that will help her system ignore the incoming spam. This may be valuable to her. Bengal is contacted as well and responds with 5,000 extra nuyen.

Twilight accepts the offer and does an extensive search on Overclock. She finds that the other hacker has gone to the spaceport on the other end of town. She apparently hasn’t left yet so she’s probably waiting for someone.

We leave quickly for the spaceport using the van. About 3 minutes out, we get a message from Twilight showing a video feed of 4 men in three-piece suits trapped in a back room. Apparently we are not the only ones who want Overclock; she has apparently sequestered them in there.

We come into the spaceport with smaller weapons and walk casually through the corridor. We come to the room where the armed men are and Twilight lets them out. They tell us to pass them by as they have no quarrel with us.

The party goes to the next door where Overclock is, and Raptor attempts to set a charge to blow it open. The four men see him doing it and yell “Hey!” and move to attack. All three of us turn tail and run. The men take cover. Raptor clicks the detonator but nothing happens.

Raptor says that Overclock must be jamming his signal. Eve steps up and fires her Stick ‘n’ Shock at it, and it detonates, blowing the door off of its hinges. Eve quickly dashes into the room before the men can take a shot and sees Overclock and Speech. Cam takes a shot at one of the men in suits, and a full-on battle begins.

Raptor goes down after being shot, and Cam runs to him and grabs 2 of his high explosive grenades. Eve shoots Overclock and Speech. The men come towards the room and say that the girl is going with them. Eve disagrees and shoots one of them.

Cam tosses the two grenades towards the guys and they are both luckily close to the mark. They explode, killing two of the guys but the third is still clinging to life. Eve peeks around the corner and shoots him.

Cam revives Raptor and he asks what happened. Cam says that there is still one guy unaccounted for in one of the rooms. Raptor goes over to see what is going on; apparently Twilight has deactivated his guns and cybereyes. Raptor sneaks in and puts a grenade in his pants and blows him to bits.

We bind up Overclock and haul her and the rest of the corpses out of there.

Session 10 – Hack Attack

Eve suggests that we do a net search for the hacker since she has as of yet been elusive. We may try looking for other friends or perhaps family members.

In order to make this easier, we decide to purchase some programs and a new operating system for Cam’s comlink. We also purchase new operating system with better firewalls to protect us from the hacker’s attacks.

Cam searches and finds 12 names of active hackers. 7 of them are in a local social network, and 2 are in some other group together. The others are scattered, and two are no longer on Pallas. None of these seem to be directly associated with Overclock. The closest one is a guy named De-Sequence in a local neighborhood.

We drive to De-Sequence’s apartment and see some security measures in place. We all get out and Eve uses her auto-lock picker to get in the front door, and then into his apartment. We surprise De-Sequence and his two friends; they raise their hands in terror and we start asking them questions. De-Sequence says that Overclock is a female, about 5 foot 2, blonde, with glasses. He shows us a photo from a recording he took at the coffee shop of her.

After we leave, Stitch gives Cam the video he took of the business that was being used as a piggyback for the spamming endeavor. Cam searches for an image of Overclock, but he can’t find her in the footage.

Q-bit is the next closest hacker we can find. We go to his apartment, which is a small 6-unit affair. Eve again tries to break in using her auto-picker. The lights are off here, and Q-bit is apparently in bed. Eve and Raptor sneak into his bedroom and crawl into bed with him, one on each side. He is shocked to find them in bed with him, but begins answering questions nonetheless. He says that Overclock is kind of a loner, doing her own thing, and that her real name is Yvonne DuChien. He has a yearbook with her in it, as well.

Cam does a search on her name, though 18 months ago after she left school it pretty much goes cold. Cam surmises that she must be using fake SINs since then.

It is decided that we should visit her apartment again to see if she has returned. We surveil the are for quite a long time. It appears that no security team in the area has been alerted since our visit. Cam notices that the turret that was against one of the windows is now gone. He tells the rest of the group that someone has been in the room since we were last there, but it looks like there is no one now.

Before leaving the scene, we decide to take a look in the apartment to see if there is anything else of use there. Eve sneaks in and sees that the turrets have been deactivated and some other things are missing. The place has pretty much been cleared and she is obviously not coming back.

The group goes back to the ship to reload and change clothes for a few minutes before going back on the search.

Cam searches for “Speech,” the handle of the guy we previously interrogated who has been an acquaintance of Overclock’s. It comes back as a kid named Steven who is a grad student at a nearby university.

Eve and Raptor go to a nearby diner across the street from a store she might visit to get more electronics. Stitch watches the back of the store to see if she is going in there. Cam is parked in the van a few doors down.

Stitch sees a van in the alley behind the shop; a man is loading some boxes into it. Cam runs the plates and it comes up as a sales associate for the shop’s personal vehicle. Stitch comes down from the roof and breaks into the van, planting an RFID tag in the box the man was loading. It appears to have a server box in it, which is possibly promising.

Presently the store opens up. Eve walks in and takes a look around. She does not see anything out of the ordinary and decides not to create any waves, so she leaves. We will follow up if the RFID tag moves.

We decide to track down Speech, who lives in a house full of computer geeks. A stoner lets Eve in and offer her breakfast, but he says that Speech hasn’t been back yet this morning. Eve asks if he can give her his number, and he agrees. He seems interested in “studying” with her.

We leave and go back to near the shop, waiting for the RFID tag to move. The van finally moves and we follow him to a spot in an alley a few blocks away from the spaceport. Stitch goes up on a nearby roof and takes a sniper position. A car comes up from the other side of the alley to meet it.

Cam swings the van around the block behind where the car came in, and Eve jumps out and turns herself completely black. A young latino gets out of the car to meet the guy in the truck. We let the exchange happen and pick up our people. We follow the car using the RFID scanner.

The latino goes to the other side of town to an apartment building and parks inside a parking garage. He takes the package up to a third story apartment. We decide to watch the building and see what happens.

Session 9 – Mule Kick

Eve pulls into a dark alley and starts questioning the hacker. He is disoriented and wants to know why he is there and who we are. Eve says that we want to know all the information he has about Overclock, and to ask about us is not in his best interest. Raptor intimidates him as well. The hacker says that she lives down on the Carmine District, but he doesn’t know what she is doing or why. He relates some other info about who she hangs out with and what she’s been doing, but it is not much info.

Raptor says that he is lying, and Eve is skeptical as well. He says that he is telling the truth. Eve throws him out of the van and tells him to get lost, and not to look back. Cam drives off towards the ship.

Back on the ship, we decide that we need to storm Overclock’s residence, an apartment in the downtown area. We park nearby and come towards the front entrance. Stitch is off to the side with his sniper rifle. As the rest of the party approaches the door, a car comes out of the alley straight at us. Stitch aims at the driver but sees that there is no one in the car — a rigger must be driving it from a distance. The group scatters, all except for Raptor, who takes the impact of the car full-on. He is not damaged, however. The door comes off its hinges.

Stitch takes out the camera on the fifth floor with his rifle and the rest of the group files into the building. Graves checks the elevator and it doesn’t seem to be working. Everyone runs up the stairs to the fifth floor and Overclock’s apartment. Graves mule-kicks the door and he and Raptor run in. They see two turrets in the main room and rush past; luckily they are too fast and the turrets don’t go off. They continue to the back of the apartment to see two rooms with closed doors and an overturned desk at the end of the hall.

Eve and Cam stay in the hallway. Suddenly the turrets start going off, firing at the guys inside the room. Two more turrets pop up in the hallway and start firing as well. Graves knocks over one of the turrets and Raptor blows one up with a grenade.

Eve hears footsteps coming from the stairwell. She walks over and takes aim at anyone who might be coming up but doesn’t see anyone. Cam asks why Eve is covering the stairwell, and she says that she still hears footsteps but he does not. Stitch says that he does not see anyone coming up the stairs but that the alarm has been sounded.

Eve goes into the room in the middle of the hallway and sees that it is a laundry room. There is no one in there. Cam peeks into the apartment and shoots one of the remaining turrets. Raptor checks the closet in one of the rooms and finds a bunch of computer parts. He is attempting to set a C-4 charge to blow them all up and suddenly his cybereyes have been hacked and he is seeing a cartoony vision of a forest. He calls for Graves to come in and help him. He sets a bead charge and blows up the computers.

Eve comes in and takes any electronics from the destroyed turrets, and says that everyone should get out. Stitch goes to the van and brings it to the front of the building so we can escape. We peel out and drive back towards the ship. A few minutes after we leave, Raptor gets his vision back.

Session 8 – Beatnik

Eve looks into selling the data from ClimaStat’s servers while the information is still valuable, but the fixer is not able to find a buyer the first day.

Yusuf is working on the servers more and suddenly jumps up and starts tearing things out of one of the server boxes. He doesn’t speak for a few moments but then says that the box had a hidden wireless point on it and also the “Shitstorm” spam virus. It activated and infected his system but he was able to shut everything off before it spread. It will take him a few days to fix the damage.

Stitch asks if he will be safe at his lab, and Yusuf says that he is not sure. We offer him passage on our ship for a while until the situation blows over. He agrees and we load all of his equipment on board. He uses Cam’s workshop as a temporary lab.

Eve’s fixer finds a buyer for the info we have, but we can only get $2500 for it. We agree

Eve contacts Raptor and says that we are going off-world. He asks if Stitch will be on board, and if so there will be violence. Eve says that we will make sure he’s on the other side of the ship. Cam is volunteered to pick up Raptor and takes a shuttle down to Mars to get him.

We continue on to Vesta and meet with Bengal. Eve introduces Yusuf to Bengal and he is pleased to meet the hacker. Bengal suggests that we go to Pallas to look for the hacker behind the attacks. We agree and set off to get some supplies.

In the local area we look for explosives and detonators, in order to stock up before we continue. At the second place we are able to find 5 kilos of rating 10 (very high grade) explosives. After we have stocked up we leave Vesta for Pallas. The trip takes one day.

Stitch takes up surveillance of Domino Systems, the place that we have tracked the current spamming route through. He records everyone that he sees and then gets out.

Eve is asks around about Freewire and Shitstorm to a hacker named One Over Zero, but he says that he left several years ago after he finished his software. Apparently he sold his software to several people and there is no way to know who got the Shitstorm program. There is a hacker named Sliced IC who purchased quite a few of his programs and he went to St. Gregory a while ago, and someone else named Overclock purchased some as well. However One Over Zero does not know much else because he did not like Freewire or his friends.

During this time, Cam is continuing to work on the system core on the ship.

Eve has us visit a coffee shop that is a supposed hangout of Overclock, the female hacker. The barista says that she hasn’t seen her for at least a week, but normally she is there every night. Eve listens around and overhears two people talking about Overclock and that she is working on something. They seem concerned about her.

Raptor suggests that he get as much information as he can from the two guys who were talking about Overclock. He comes over to their table but is angered by the way they are looking at him and decides to attack them. Raptor slams the first guy into the wall and stabs him, killing him almost instantly.

Everyone scatters from the bar, including the guy’s friend. Raptor calls for Eve to stop the other guy from leaving the bar. She shoots the Stick ‘n’ Shock at him and knocks him out. Cam jumps through the crowd and grabs the guy, pushing him against the wall so he doesn’t get trampled.

The crowd is pushing their way out the door and suddenly we hear loud footsteps coming down the stairs in the back. Cam pulls his pistol and hunches down next to the unconscious hacker. Eve jumps under a table. Raptor immediately turns and draws his weapon as two cybed-up spooks run out and start firing. Raptor doesn’t seem damaged by the hits he’s taken and fires back, killing one of them immediately. Cam and Eve fire on the second one and drop him.

Raptor asks what is to be done with the second guy since he is still alive; Eve says just to leave him. Raptor walks up and machine guns him in the face. Cam drags the hacker out to the van and the others take one of the dead thugs each with all of their gear. They take off and go back to the ship.

Session 7 – Fight Club

Eve’s fixer, Erich, lets her know a bit more about this “Core Dump” hacker on Mercury. He lives in a city called Az-Zukhruf in the Arab-controlled area of Mercury. He has been retired for about a year and a half and is now “legit.” Erich says that though he is retired, he’s taken a few jobs since his retirement (ones that he won’t get shot at for).

As we are approaching Mercury, we are notified by Bengal that the spam levels dropped off for about 4 hours then resumed, and now are no longer coming through ClimaStat’s servers.

We arrive at Mercury, and Eve contacts Core Dump on the public access board. She asks for help with some computers and he seems shocked that she found him. He explains that he is no longer in the biz and generally doesn’t do computer work anymore.

Eve mentions that she was referred by Erich and Core Dump says that he could probably do it since Erich is an old friend. He invites Eve to come to a club with him and then go back to his place afterwards to take a look at things. Eve asks if he is still talking about computers.

Raptor inquires about how legal it is to carry weapons openly on Mercury, and finds that firearms especially are restricted almost everywhere. He settles on bringing only 4 guns and 2 knives.

We land and immediately go to a high-end clothing store. Eve negotiates the price on three armored suits for Cam, Stitch and Raptor. They are reluctant to buy and wear them, but Eve’s wiles win them over.

We go to the bar, a place called 39 Thieves, and as we come into the entrance area there are several security guards checking everyone for weapons. As they scan Raptor, he looks very agitated and does not want to give up his guns. He warns the guy that he should take his hands off of him. The guy says that he is just doing his job.

Eve sees that Raptor is about to go crazy and slaps two tranq patches on his neck. He passes out almost immediately. Cam and Stitch catch him with much difficulty so he doesn’t fall to the floor. Stitch explains that he has had too much to drink. The security guard says that he can’t come into the bar if he’s passed out. Eve explains in low tones to the guards that she tranqued him so he wouldn’t go nuts, but he should be okay now. The guards let him come in.

We come into the bar and Eve meets with Core Dump, whose real name is Yusuf. She gives him a kiss in greeting and says that the club looks nice. He says that it will get more exciting later as the place gets busier.

Eve spends most of the night socializing with Yusuf and his crew. Raptor wakes up later and demands to know what happened. Eve says that he was about to get everyone in a lot of trouble and had to tranq him. He asks what happened to his gun and Stitch says (lying) that the gun fell out of his holster when he passed out and he was holding on to it for him.

Raptor goes back and orders something to eat, but finds that everything is too dainty and upscale for him to enjoy. We decide that we should go since none of us really fit in except for Eve. She says that she is fine on her own and will accompany Yusuf to his place. Raptor asks her if she will be okay (if she has guns) and she says that she has 2.

The party, less Eve, comes back to the ship. Raptor complains that he hasn’t been in a fight recently. Cam, intrigued, goes on the internet and finds if there is an underground fight club in the area that Raptor could participate in. In a surprising stroke of luck he finds one in the area and convinces Raptor to go. Stitch goes with them.

They arrive at the fight club and Raptor signs up to fight. They put him in the super-heavyweight class and he is to fight against a big looking dude. The fight lasts for several minutes as it seems that they cannot hurt one another. After a while, the other guy is being worn down and finally puts up his hands and gives up. His friends are at the fence yelling for him to be taken out of the ring, while Cam is yelling for Raptor to kill him. The man tries to get away but Raptor takes him down from behind.

The crowd goes nuts, and start chanting “Garignak! Garignak!” They bring out another guy with shiny dermal plating and a girl on each arm. He is pointing to the crowd and smiling. The announcer asks Raptor if he will fight again, and he agrees. He manages to wound the guy, which surprises him, but soon Garignak overpowers him and lays him out. Cam and Stitch bring him back to the ship and heal him up, as he is near death.

The next morning Eve calls us and asks to know what is going on. We explain about the fight club, and don’t ask for any details about her night. She asks for Cam to bring the laptops to Yusuf and he comes down in a short while. Raptor goes somewhere to get a steak, and wanders aimlessly afterwards. Stitch follows him to make sure he doesn’t get into too much trouble.

Yusuf begins working on the laptops and Eve and Cam go to get groceries. Eve buys a side of beef and Cam gets a bushel of corn. They take them to cold storage on the ship. When they return, Yusuf has cracked the first server and says that he has recovered some company emails and financial information, but nothing incriminating yet.

Raptor eventually stumbles upon a sporting goods store and purchases a paintball gun. He does not buy any paintballs.

Everyone reconvenes for dinner with Eve and Yusuf. Unfortunately Raptor is dissatisfied at the cuisine here and makes a scene, then storms out. Eve is embarrased at the scene but Yusuf seems not to care. Stitch goes to follow him but Raptor says that he is going to kill him if he tries.

Several days pass as Yusuf is working on cracking the servers. He calls Eve one day while we are out and says that he has news. We meet up with him and he says that he recognized a bit of code on one of the boxes. He said that he was working with a guy a long time ago who created the “Shitstorm 3100” which is a terrible spamming software. The guy went by the name “Freewire” and was a notorious hacker. He actually spent some time on Mercury, addicted to BTLs, before he went back to Pallas, and that’s where he probably still is. The program itself took him at least 2 years to write. It is rumored that he sold the code to a chick named Overclock, who Yusuf doesn’t know much about. The code, unfortunately, would take months to pick apart and longer to do anything to stop it.

Meanwhile, Raptor books passage on a shuttle to go to the other side of the planet where he will be more comfortable. Unfortunately they don’t hire there, and he needs to go back. He does so and gets a job as a “laborer.”

Session 6 – Spam

On Pallas in St. Gregory, we approach the corporation, ClimaStat, that is the source of the spam messages. We come into the habitat dome and land, then take the hummer to the building.

We decide the best way to figure out going on is to surveil the building. Stitch breaks into one of the buildings nearby with a simple lockpick device. He sees cameras and other security measures, as well as deliveries of office items and such.

Eve is able to lift an ID badge off of a departing IT woman, which she herself could use to gain access to the building. Next she “accidentally” runs into a nerdy-looking analyst, calling him “Johnny” and kissing him madly. He protests, saying that his name’s not Johnny, but doesn’t notice that she’s lifted his badge as well.

Eve and Cam take the disguise of the two people whose IDs were stolen, and gain access to the building. Everyone else stays in the van for the time being. They walk through the building and see that the back entrance has a simple alarm attached to it. On the way back towards the security desk Eve uses her stun baton on one of the security cameras. Quickly Cam disables the lock and alarm on the door and leaves a wire so the others can get in if they need to.

The camera comes back online so Cam and Eve move off. She goes into the restroom and asks Stitch where he thinks the servers are. He thinks they may be in the basement. She comes out of the restroom and tells Cam that they should head to the basement.

Suddenly Raptor and Stitch are attacked by two guards; obviously they have been spotted. Raptor is tasered, but Stitch snipes and kills both of them. Raptor takes off to draw any further attention away from the building.

Cam and Eve continue to the server room in the basement. Cam is not able to log into the system and is marked as a hacker, so he logs out. They decide that they should steal the servers instead and do analysis on them later. Cam grabs a couple of the laptop-sized servers and suddenly they hear footsteps. An IT guy comes in and asks what is going on. Eve strikes him with her stun baton and he goes down. Cam grabs the servers and they find something to put them in, then quickly leave.

On the way up the stairs, a guard appears and demands that they give up the servers they stole. Cam and Eve put the servers down but draw their weapons and fire on the guard. He goes down, and Eve slices his throat. They grab the servers and charge out of the building. The truck takes them away and we seem to have made a clean getaway.

We get back to the ship and decide not to stick around. We leave Pallas immediately.

Eve contacts her fixer, who points her in the direction of a hacker who lives on Mercury. Apparently he will be able to help us out with the servers. We decide to travel to Mercury; the trip takes a day.

On the way, Eve checks the newsfeeds and she sees that the military on Ganymede has released more information about the people who broke into their installation. A very clear photo of Eve (disguised in black) and a fairly clear picture of Raptor were released, as well as the name of Chelle though they have not caught her yet. They believe that our group is still in the Jupiter system, which is obviously erroneous.

Session 5 – Money Train

Arriving in Ganymede orbit, we hear reported through the news feed about the raid we just perpetrated, and there is fuzzy surveillance video or a few of us in action. The anchor says that it is believed a “yet unnamed” resistance group was responsible for the crime, though no one has yet stepped forward.

The group tries to look for a place that we can stay that is under the radar. Eve calls one of her doctors to see if they can get her official papers for the delivery of the cadavers we are carrying in the hold.

Cam starts working on the truck; weapons and equipment are distributed to the party and it is decided what we will sell and what we’ll keep.

Eve’s doctor responds and says that she is on Earth’s moon. She will have the paperwork drawn up for us by the time we reach there.

Stitch contacts an armorer and says that he will meet us on an uninhabited asteroid to buy the equipment we have for sale. It will take us roughly 30 hours to get there.

We arrive safely at the asteroid and meet Stitch’s contact. We negotiate 20,000 nuyen for all of the merchandise, and after a few minutes trade everything over. The money is split between the party members and we soon depart for the Earth’s moon.

The doctor’s location is near the Lunar Syndicate. We land and load the bodies up for transit. Stitch says that he is going to stay with the ship. The rest of the party meets up with the doc and she takes a look at the bodies we have brought. She agrees to pay about 50,000 for all of the bodies and cyberware. This is again divided between the party members.

Cam shops around for a new core system for the ship so we can mask our identity if we wish. He finds a place that has one for a Firefly-class vessel that is in pretty good shape, but settles on a cheaper one that needs some refurbishing. He packs it all in the truck and takes it back to the ship. He estimates that it will take him 10 days or so to integrate the second system.

Eve finds out that there is demand for lumber runs from the Earth to Vesta. The pay is only 4,000 nuyen but it is honest money. We decide to do the run, and also get a lead on another job that may require personnel with varied skills.

In a bar on Vesta we meet Bengal, a businessman with Asian features and feline biomods, the most obvious being his cat-eyes. His crew is with him, decked out with mods and tech. He explains that there is a hacker on Pallas that is sending out spam messages which is sucking up bandwidth and causing a lot of trouble. We are to shut him down anyway possible, since the local authorities have been unsuccessful. They have however traced him to a specific corporation, ClimaStat Inc. on Pallas. Software analysts have found that some of the code used in these attacks was used by a hacker Pedro “Freewire” Chin in 2414, six years ago. Chin was charged but never convicted. Apparently Freewire has been rumored to be on Pallas, or any number of other places, or that he’s retired or dead. Bengal offers 45,000 nuyen for the job plus expenses. We agree, but ask for chameleon suits for everyone in the party as well. Bengal agrees.

Bengal further explains that he does not have any “ins” with ClimaStat so we are on our own there, we will have to either break or hack in. He says that the confirmation that the job is done is that the traffic he is causing ceases. That is really all these people care about; they don’t necessarily want to see his dead body or see him arrested.

We do some shopping for equipment; Cam purchases a sequencer and some other devices.

We will be doing another legal run of ore shipment to Eros and then will continue on to Pallas with another shipment before the big job.

Session 4 – Breaking & Entering

Eve climbs up to the guard tower at the entrance and shocks the guard inside. He had already been severely damaged by Raptor’s sniper fire and so he does not offer much resistance.

Raptor sees through his scope a body fall from the sniper’s tower near the rear of the base, he has apparently been killed by someone else. He takes aim and fires at another one of the base’s guards.

Graves is revived from his wounds by the serum but still looks pretty bad. He gets up and accompanies Cam to a nearby security door. Cam tries to get inside but is unable to.

Eve comes into the complex and tries to hijack a vehicle but is unable to.

Aparna comes over our com system and says that another operative working with the resistance is in the base and has already downed a couple of the hostiles.

Cam is able to break into the building and Raptor jumps down to head into the building. Cam and Graves break off towards the vehicle that Eve tried to steal, and run into Stitch. “Hey, you’re that guy!” says Cam. “Uh, yeah. Let’s go get that car,” he replies.

Raptor calls out that there are lots of hostiles inside the main building. Cam lets Stitch know that they need help in the building and he nods, turning back to assist. Raptor goes into the building and lets loose with grenades and weapons fire. Eve and Stitch assist him and soon all of the hostiles are down. They start raiding the goods there.

Cam hotwires the truck and drives it over to the main building. He swaps with Eve for the forklift and starts loading boxes onto the truck. There are 3 crates of armored vests, one crate with 4 Ares Alpha assault rifles, 4 crates with normal ammunition and 1 with APDS rounds. Also one suit of full body armor is found, several with rations and food, and 2 crates with medkit supplies. Also a crate with 2 Walther MA-2100 sniper rifles, a crate of micro-grenades and a crate of 20 Ares Predator IVs is found. We also pile 13 bodies of the enemies killed so we can harvest their cyberware.

We load all of the crates except for the food & water on to the truck. Raptor figures that we will have four minutes left over until reinforcements come since their response time is about 30 minutes. He also realizes that every item is RFID tagged which would allow them to be tracked by the enemy. Stitch says that he has a jammer that could prevent the signals from being tracked.

The truck leaves the base and we do not run into any reinforcements. Aparna says that Chelle will meet us in an ATV on the side of a road. She joins us and says that she has several RFID tag erasers. We keep driving while she and Stitch start erasing the tags.

Raptor asks if he should keep a gun on Stitch in case he tries something; Eve says that she and Stitch go way back and he’s definitely on the up-and-up.

Eve comes up with a list that we will give to the Resistance. Chelle relays that info to Aparna and after a moment she agrees to take what we’ve offered. They will meet us at a local scrapyard for payment.

Shortly thereafter we meet with them and payment is transferred (2,200 nuyen per person) and we give them the promised goods. They thank us and say that this will help their cause immensely.

We leave the planet and begin to count and stow our goods. We take stock of the cyberware in the bodies that were stolen for future harvesting.

Later Raptor hears that Sakura has the weapon permits ready.

Eve formally introduces Stitch to the rest of the group and asks what he has been doing. He replies that he has just been taking jobs, trying to make ends meet. Eve says that our group has been pretty successful so far and says that we could certainly use one more. She asks the rest of the group what they think and they seem okay with Stitch joining. He agrees and it is official.

We decide to keep the truck but to refit and paint it so it can’t be tracked back to the military base.

Session 3 – Breaking & Entering

We stay in the bar for a long while and drink and eat. Eve drinks quite heavily, and though the others warn her to slow down, she says that she is in control.

After a few hours and quite a lot of drink, the dinner crowd filters out of the place and the bar crowd comes in. Aparna comes back and finally it’s time to get down to business. She tells us that there is an outdoor rental business in town that is a part of the resistance, and we should meet there to discuss our plans further.

We leave the bar for the rental business, and Eve is having a lot of trouble walking. Raptor asks Cam to help her out (calling him “Tool” in the process). Cam begrudgingly accepts and walks along with her.

When we arrive, Raptor finds a stim-patch and puts it on Eve to sober her up. We meet a woman at the door and explain who we are. She lets all of us, except Eve, in to an adjacent room with several more people and we begin introductions.

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Negotiations go extremely poorly until Eve and Aparna return, whereupon Eve has changed her appearance. She introduces herself as Eve here instead of Natasha, and Aparna senses that she has lied. Aparna confronts Eve about it but Eve says that she would do well to not delve into our group’s past — we are just here to do the job and get paid. Aparna asks if they mean to harm any of the resistance members, and Eve says no. Aparna says that she believes her.

Eve comes in to the main room and meets the man, Randolph, who explains about the location that we will be expected to gain entry to. He covers where the plant is, what they think goes on in each building, what their defenses are and where the possible entry points are. We decide that we will go the next evening and Raptor will provide a distraction while the rest of us get into the complex.

The next evening, we take our positions and signal the resistance members to attack. They detonate an explosion on the base and Raptor, from a nearby ledge, starts firing at the guards. Cam is hoisted up at the wall and begins clipping at the razor wire. Cam is suddenly shot by one of the guards in the tower, but he seems okay and continues to clip through. Soon he is able to get all the way through and swings over the wall. Graves follows him into the base but Eve stays on the wall. She takes a shot at one of the advancing guards and Graves stabs him. A second one is sniped neatly by Raptor. Graves is suddenly shot by the sniper and falls; Cam drags him behind the building and decides on his next move.