Session 10 – Hack Attack

Eve suggests that we do a net search for the hacker since she has as of yet been elusive. We may try looking for other friends or perhaps family members.

In order to make this easier, we decide to purchase some programs and a new operating system for Cam’s comlink. We also purchase new operating system with better firewalls to protect us from the hacker’s attacks.

Cam searches and finds 12 names of active hackers. 7 of them are in a local social network, and 2 are in some other group together. The others are scattered, and two are no longer on Pallas. None of these seem to be directly associated with Overclock. The closest one is a guy named De-Sequence in a local neighborhood.

We drive to De-Sequence’s apartment and see some security measures in place. We all get out and Eve uses her auto-lock picker to get in the front door, and then into his apartment. We surprise De-Sequence and his two friends; they raise their hands in terror and we start asking them questions. De-Sequence says that Overclock is a female, about 5 foot 2, blonde, with glasses. He shows us a photo from a recording he took at the coffee shop of her.

After we leave, Stitch gives Cam the video he took of the business that was being used as a piggyback for the spamming endeavor. Cam searches for an image of Overclock, but he can’t find her in the footage.

Q-bit is the next closest hacker we can find. We go to his apartment, which is a small 6-unit affair. Eve again tries to break in using her auto-picker. The lights are off here, and Q-bit is apparently in bed. Eve and Raptor sneak into his bedroom and crawl into bed with him, one on each side. He is shocked to find them in bed with him, but begins answering questions nonetheless. He says that Overclock is kind of a loner, doing her own thing, and that her real name is Yvonne DuChien. He has a yearbook with her in it, as well.

Cam does a search on her name, though 18 months ago after she left school it pretty much goes cold. Cam surmises that she must be using fake SINs since then.

It is decided that we should visit her apartment again to see if she has returned. We surveil the are for quite a long time. It appears that no security team in the area has been alerted since our visit. Cam notices that the turret that was against one of the windows is now gone. He tells the rest of the group that someone has been in the room since we were last there, but it looks like there is no one now.

Before leaving the scene, we decide to take a look in the apartment to see if there is anything else of use there. Eve sneaks in and sees that the turrets have been deactivated and some other things are missing. The place has pretty much been cleared and she is obviously not coming back.

The group goes back to the ship to reload and change clothes for a few minutes before going back on the search.

Cam searches for “Speech,” the handle of the guy we previously interrogated who has been an acquaintance of Overclock’s. It comes back as a kid named Steven who is a grad student at a nearby university.

Eve and Raptor go to a nearby diner across the street from a store she might visit to get more electronics. Stitch watches the back of the store to see if she is going in there. Cam is parked in the van a few doors down.

Stitch sees a van in the alley behind the shop; a man is loading some boxes into it. Cam runs the plates and it comes up as a sales associate for the shop’s personal vehicle. Stitch comes down from the roof and breaks into the van, planting an RFID tag in the box the man was loading. It appears to have a server box in it, which is possibly promising.

Presently the store opens up. Eve walks in and takes a look around. She does not see anything out of the ordinary and decides not to create any waves, so she leaves. We will follow up if the RFID tag moves.

We decide to track down Speech, who lives in a house full of computer geeks. A stoner lets Eve in and offer her breakfast, but he says that Speech hasn’t been back yet this morning. Eve asks if he can give her his number, and he agrees. He seems interested in “studying” with her.

We leave and go back to near the shop, waiting for the RFID tag to move. The van finally moves and we follow him to a spot in an alley a few blocks away from the spaceport. Stitch goes up on a nearby roof and takes a sniper position. A car comes up from the other side of the alley to meet it.

Cam swings the van around the block behind where the car came in, and Eve jumps out and turns herself completely black. A young latino gets out of the car to meet the guy in the truck. We let the exchange happen and pick up our people. We follow the car using the RFID scanner.

The latino goes to the other side of town to an apartment building and parks inside a parking garage. He takes the package up to a third story apartment. We decide to watch the building and see what happens.