Session 25 – The Drifts

We enter the ship, bringing the two girls with us. The other ship has already fled and has a good head start on us. We start things up and begin after them, but decide that they are too far away to follow. We concentrate our efforts on trying to find their shuttle that they landed in so we can figure out more about them. Cam does a sensor sweep but doesn’t find much. We decide to do a much more extensive search and we find a ship buried in the snow about a mile away.

We start digging it out and Canti finds that it is online. He tries to hack it but sees that there is no firmware or anything, so the door cannot even be opened. Raptor sets a charge and blasts open the ship, we climb inside and start searching around for clues to where they came from. We only find a few shell casings and some used food wrappers, so we head back.

We take both ships, Cam flying their ship, and return the girls to Earth. There is a tearful reunion and we get our reward. There are jetpacks for Raptor to choose from and also some flying drones. Stitch gets a stealth glider.

Taking some downtime, Cam and Canti contact Yusuf to purchase some hacking programs. Meanwhile Stitch starts asking around on information on the Artemis Guild people. Cam and Canti also get bioware installed.

We then venture to Callisto and pick up all of the weapons and other equipment that we had on order from the group’s armorer.

Next we head to Mercury and Raptor goes back to the fighting pit to look for Garignak. He asks around and no one has seen him for several months. Raptor goes up to the offices of the place and asks to see Lou, but the security force will not let him in, and then attack him. Raptor manages to lay one out (with the help of Eve’s tranq darts) and a voice comes over the PA and says that he can come in. He gives Raptor a lead as to where Garignak might be and Raptor takes off, warning the other security guy not to mess with him.

We go to an apartment building from the lead and hit the intercom to the room, an old man answers and we offer him 5k to come down and speak with us. He says that Garignak was bought by a biotech company on Mars…!