Session 19 – I Got Promoted

It is three months later, October, and several of the group members have been busy on side jobs, getting equipment or cyberware, or just laying low. Stitch has been hanging around Chelle’s shop and has met a drone rigger who goes by Canti. He and his brother Rex seem to have some skills that might help us out.

Yusuf contacts us via email and says that he has heard of someone is looking for us. They are called the “Artemis Guild” and are deep underground. He forwards the chatter he came across and it seems to be enough to worry about.

We decide to head to Ceres to lay low a bit. Stitch is continuing to do jobs for his fixer, but the rest of us are kind of spinning our wheels since we don’t know where these Artemis folks are. We keep our eyes open for a few weeks but don’t see anything.

In November, Raptor gets an opportunity from his armorer. A weapons manufacturer called Dynatron is showing their wares to various potential buyers throughout the solar system. Sakura has a buyer lined up for some of their merchandise, so if we can acquire we will get a sale. Depending on where they are going to be we have several opportunities to intercept. We start researching this group.

A professor contact named Fess sends a message to Stitch, with an opportunity for a job harvesting ice cores from Ceres. Fess has a grant for 40,000 to research the ice. The mining company is giving him a hard time about access to the ice in the area and they may need our help to operate the machinery and get the cores without being caught, or bribing them. Stitch tries contacting his fixer to see if there is anyone else who can help. Erwin Patch is a contractor that doesn’t work directly for the mining company, who might be able to help. Eve finds out through a contact that the mining company is afraid that they are going to get hit with environmental regulations due to what they’ve hit in their mining efforts on Ceres. They may have hit some fossils according to the contact.

We head out to Erwin’s favorite watering hole to check him out. Eve starts hitting on him and he responds favorably. They go back to his place and she pumps him for info. He says that he works on a lot of the equipment. We decide to head down to the mines using his info.