Session 32 – The Siege of Dakar

As we quickly progress towards the castle, we are confronted by another group of soldiers. The party rushes to attack and Porodo uses his ability to “roar,” sending five of the enemy soldiers running. We defeat the rest in short order.

A large group attacks us immediately after, but the Dwarves smash them into a nearby wall en masse, giving us a path through towards the castle. A few of the Dwarves come with us as we near the castle wall.

The Dwarves move to set the explosive charge at the base of the wall and we are suddenly attacked by crossbow bolts from above. One of the Dwarves is hit in the shoulder but he pulls it out and continues with his work. Porodo scales the wall using his Spider Climb spell. The rest of us provide the Dwarves cover and fire back. Josephus fires off a devastating spell and blasts several of them off the wall.

Finally the Dwarves finish setting the charge and yell “Fire in the hole!” We scatter and the wall blasts open. Ahead of us we see the lake and the castle to the left. We see that the castle is almost completely covered by vines.

We approach the rear entrance of the castle and see blocking our way a large group of zombies who seem to be made of mold. We form up and Josephus fires a blast of electricity into two of them. The rest of us run up to attack. A few moments later we cut through them and run through the doors.

Josephus produces a pouch with herbs in it, and he passes them out to everyone. He says that it will protect us from contracting any diseases for about six hours. The Dwarves begin smashing against the door and break it open after a few moments. We rush into the castle.