Session 6 – A Day at the Office

Professor Westmore says that he will accompany us on our next journey to Germany. In order for us to go, however, we will need to get a fake passport for the pilot, Tailspin. Slate says that there is a place in the southeast portion of Chicago where we could obtain the papers we need from a guy named Lenny the “Weasel”. He suggests that Gabe come along for muscle. We go to the bar he is normally seen at, which is actually pretty busy. We order a drink and see him at a table with a bunch of guys. It appears that he notices Slate and looks pretty nervous. We come over to him and see that he is stuck between three mafiosos. Slate says that he would like to ask him for a favor and that he won’t hurt him, and that they should meet in his “office” (the restroom). Still looking scared (we think we might smell urine), he agrees but only if just Slate comes in. He agrees and Tailspin and Gabe stand outside the door.

Slate lets Lenny in to the restroom and checks the stalls for people. Not finding anyone, Slate turns around to see Lenny holding a gun on him and shaking like a leaf. He says that he had nothing to do with the theft of a printing press. Slate says that although his boss did ask him to find out about the printing press (a bald-faced lie) but he would forget all that if Lenny would do him a favor. Lenny shakes so badly that he accidentally fires his gun, but the bullet hits the ceiling. The goons immediately jump up to come to the aid of their boss but Gabe and Tailspin are already waiting for them. Lenny tries to run past Slate to get out of the bathroom, but Slate punches him twice and puts him down.

Tailspin pulls his pistol and shoves it in the mouth of the nearest goon, warning him not to continue fighting. They stop, but Gabe pulls out his lead pipe and knocks out one of the goons. Slate cuffs him to the sink and slaps him to wake him up. He continues blubbering, but Slate says that he won’t hurt him if he cooperates. He explains that his friend needs a fake passport. Lenny says he will do it but it will take two days and 2 grand. Slate says that either Lenny could do this or he goes to jail, and the cost doesn’t concern him. Lenny agrees to do it for free and Slate takes him out of the bathroom. Lenny takes the group to get a photo of Tailspin so he can create the passport.

In the two days of downtime, we research the areas of Berlin that we will be in. Slate stops by his department before he leaves and asks the captain why he signed him up for this “endeavor” without asking first. The captain says that he can quit if he wants, but otherwise he should get lost. Slate happily leaves.

The group, along with Prof. Westmore, take a ship to England from the East Coast. They meet Tailspin, who had flown over in his plane, at Dr. Goodwin’s estate. We continue on to Germany. An older gentleman, introduced as Dr. von Keller, meets us and we show him the Eye. We explain the situation of how we came to find the eye and the other jewel.

After examining the jewel, he tells us that one of the prehistoric races may have consisted of reptile-like beings, and that all of the reptiles on Earth are devolved versions of them. The huge croc we saw was likely an avatar of Kil’quato, their patron deity, made flesh. When we mention the presence of the Nazi troops in South America, he tells us that Hitler has been sending his personal guard to find any holy artifacts to try and control their power.

Goodwin asks von Keller and Westmore what we are to do from here. Westmore says that it seems that the new SS, Hitler’s personal guard, is very much our biggest threat at this moment. We must keep aware of things they will be searching for and we should try to get there first. He suggests that after we eat and get some rest, we should discuss further.