Session 2 – Sigmentus

Quentin quickly takes out his medkit and heals Kuma and Zach of their wounds from the gundark fight. While this is going on, Ten goes inside one of the ships and finds the matching grade 6 power coupling that we need to fix our hyperdrive.

We all take another look around for parts and Zach gets a shock from a panel he is looking at. Kuma finds a repulsor sled that could be used to haul some things back. We fix it and it hums to life.

Ten puts together a pen for the gundark pups. Zach cuts up some of the nerf meat for them to eat, using a vibroknife that he conveniently had.

It is getting late, so we are faced with the choice of returning to our ship for several hours and traveling in the dark, or staying here. We decide to stay with the other ships and look for more equipment while we’re here. Kuma finds some old MREs, enough for the whole group, but they are pretty disgusting.

We get one of the ships setup for staying overnight, and Zach puts the gundark pups in an adjacent room. He then takes first watch while the rest of us bed down. Ten takes the second watch, and realizes that the gundarks haven’t eaten any of the food that was cut for them.

Quentin wakes up next and devises a plan to cut up the meat to a smaller size and funnel it into the gundarks’ mouths, just like their mother would have. They stop their mewling finally.

The next morning, Zach grills up some of the nerf meat and he and Kuma eat it. We also feed the pups again.

We see fresh tracks around where the gundark would have been. They are catlike, which may mean that the Nexu has been around. We quickly pack everything up and set off toward our ship. We need to feed the gundarks again and it uses up all of the meat from the nerf.

We make it back to the ship in quick order and Ten starts fixing the hyperdrive. Zach and Kuma decide to go hunting for some nerf meat to feed the gundarks. We find tracks pretty quickly and come upon a herd. Zach climbs a tree to get a better shot and Kuma tries to hide. Kuma remembers that nerfs will tend to stampede if they are distrurbed and realizes that they are looking at him. He takes off through the forest.

Zach shoots one of them but it is still alive and runs further away, outside of his blaster range. He takes another shot and misses but scares the her toward him.

Kuma, running through the forest, feels something in his back and falls down unconscious. He wakes up a while later and realizes that he has fallen into a hole between some rocks. He notices noise above him and sees the great paw of a nexu trying to hit him. It does look smaller than the pawprint we saw before, however. He takes out his holdout blaster and tries to shoot its paw but misses and gets a faceful of dirt on top of him. That being the case, he grabs his comlink and calls the others. He explains about the nexu and says that he is about 100 meters away from Zach.

Zach continues shooting and brings down two of the nerfs. He then runs over to Kuma and takes a shot at the nexu. It turns and attacks him, biting him savagely. Zach shoots it again and Kuma climbs up from the crevice and shoots it from behind. It decides to run away like a shot through the forest. Kuma helps Zach get away from the area and after a moment they meet up with the rest of the crew coming to get us with the repulsor sled. We head over to the fallen nerfs and grab them up. We then return to the ship.

We get ready to leave but Kuma spies a Z-95 circling ahead. The sensors can’t see the bigger ship but it could be out there waiting for us. We take off and leave atmo but we’re still close to the Z-95. It may not be able to see us at the current range, though.

Ten makes the calculations for the jump to hyperspace. As we are moving away we see the corvette off in the distance. During our flight we hit a small asteroid that we didn’t see and it takes out our front shields. Ten finishes the calculations and we jump to lightspeed. He is also able to shorten our trip to the Wheel so we get there sooner.