Session 2 – Derelict

Raptor and Cam rush back to the ship as they heard about the other ship’s approach. Eve tells them that the ship will be on top of them in about 2 minutes.

The ship makes a comminique with the Redemption, and they identify themselves as Rhea Saturn Border Control Authority. They ask what we are doing. Eve says that we are on a salvage mission and are registered to do so. The man, a military looking fellow in a combat helmet, says that he wishes to dock with us and check our papers. Eve agrees.

Eve yells at the others to hurry back to the ship, and presently Raptor and Cam float over onto the ship. Cam rushes to the bridge and Raptor takes up position on the scaffolding of the cargo bay. Eve is trying desperately to hide the safe in one of the hidden compartments. She turns off the gravity to assist her in lifting it.

The Border Patrol ship attempts to communicate with us to board, but Eve is not ready. She makes up an excuse and Cam shoves the bridge comm microphone into the speaker, causing a feedback loop.

Eve gets the cargo hidden and turns the gravity back on. She lets the Border Patrol men in, and Raptor readies his elephant rifle. They come in and ask for Eve’s papers. She said that she doesn’t have any, since we came across the ship and figured that we could get the license later. The Border Patrolman says that it doesn’t work that way, and they’d like to take a look around. Eve puts her arm in his and leads him around the ship. He seems satisfied with everything and lets us go.

We decide to go to Rhea and get a real salvage license, since they are not that expensive. The trip takes 2 hours.

We arrive at a docking station and take the Eden shuttle down to the moon. It only takes us a few minutes to get down, and Eve begins the process to get a salvage license. The person at the desk says that they need a registered SIN, the ship’s license numbers, and the background check takes about two weeks. Eve asks if this timeline can be reduced, but the shortest time is about a week.

Eve decides that it isn’t worth it and we return to the ship. Cam sets course for Hygaea and they start the return trip. Again it takes 2 days, and we return to the spaceport we had originally met the buyer at. Eve makes a communication with the buyer and he agrees to meet us.

As we approach the station the docking crew tells us that they are doing maintenance, and we need to divert to docking bay 17. We agree, and begin to dock. Suddenly we get a comm from the buyer, and he sounds awfully scared. He tells us that we must have been set up, because there are at least 8 heavily armed men in the docking bay waiting for us to exit. We tell him that we are leaving and will meet him somewhere else. He says that there is another base across town that we could go to.

We start traveling to the other station, and see that there is a ground vehicle tracking us. We decide to split up, Cam piloting the Redemption, Graves piloting Eden, and Eve and Raptor on Hades with the loot. Cam peels off and the ground vehicle seems to be tracking him. Eve leaves slowly as to not draw attention and goes to the other base.

Eve and Raptor meet the buyer and make the trade. He says that we have to go back to his office to get the medical supplies, but he gives Eve the certified credstick with the cash.

Cam is continuing to Graves sees that they have turned around and are returning to the original spaceport, and then double back north towards the second station. Graves goes back to the Redemption and docks.

Raptor goes with Red his car and Eve takes Hades back towards Redemption. She sees that the vehicle, a gray van, is now coming towards Red’s car. Raptor tells them that they need to be prepared for battle, and the men with Red pull their weapons (which are unfortunately small arms). Raptor tells the driver to ram the van. He tries, but the driver of the van swerves out of the way. They turn around to pursue the truck.

Raptor opens the back door of the truck and opens fire on the van. Raptor takes several shots at the driver of the van and takes him out, and then turns his attention to the van’s tires. One of the front tires blows out and the van hits a nearby building. Raptor climbs back into the truck and they take off from the scene.

The truck arrives at Red’s building and they drop off the safe. Eve arrives there as well, and Red gives her a case of more medical supplies and another package. There are two vials in the second case, and explains that it is a rapid immune response serum that is not on the market yet but is not dangerous, it is just not cost-effective yet. It is somewhat of a “gunshot wound vaccine.” A 10cc dose will stay in your system for about 3 hours and activates when your skin is cut and you get a platelet response and will heal the wound right away. He has saved 210 cc’s of it and it needs to be injected directly into the blood.

We thank Red and load up into the ship. Before leaving, we purchase two more space suits for the ship and some parts that equal out to 2,000 nuyen. As we are lifting off, Raptor sees that he has a message. Eve splits up the money between us and takes some for maintenance of the ship.

Later Raptor asks Eve if she has the next job lined up. She says no, so he says he may have something that would be worth our time on Ganymede. Everyone agrees to go along.

As we are traveling, Eve receives a communique that a legitimate job is available. A shipment of construction materials from a Smartglass company from Miyahon on Hygiea needs to be shipped to Phrygia on Ganymede. We decide to take the job because it is right on our way. We are paid 5,000 nuyen up front for the job.

It takes almost two days to reach Ganymede, and the glass delivery goes smoothly. We make a quick stop to purchase an Auto-pilot Autosoft for the ship and continue on to Bryce Ridge to meet up with Raptor’s contact.

The town is very small; all of us walk into the main bar. We order drinks and food; Eve is dressed as a Russian woman. Eve asks around about the woman Raptor is looking for, and the bartender says that she works here as a waitress. He says that she will be off work in a short while if we want to speak with her.

Later we meet her as she is getting off of work. Eve says that her mutual friend told us that they needed extra help. Raptor seems very uncomfortable with the pretenses and relaxes when she begins to speak more frankly.

The waitress tells us that her resistance cell against the Bloc government is somewhat outgunned and she needs us to help raid a local depot for weapons to help out their cause. It is lower security but may be difficult to get into because of the hilly terrain. The Bloc has a commander at this base and a staff including guards. Raptor suggests that we take out their leader to weaken the command structure. We discuss other options and ask if the guards visit any local bars if we could steal any of their security cards. Raptor also asks for the schematics of the building.

We ask about payment, and she says that she doesn’t have much, but she could afford 2,200 nuyen a person and free room and board for us. We also could take a cut of what we get from the facility in the form of weapons and equipment.