Session 17 – Journey Into the Earth

We continue to set up camp, along with our 150 ranger companions and 30 dwarves, at the River Rat Inn. A bald, greasy man approaches us and demands to know why we are here. We tell him that we bear bad tidings from Elleday. Eilenos and That’saru accompany the man (who appears to be the proprietor of the River Rat) into the inn. The place is crammed with rowdy patrons; mercenaries, traders and merchants, and also several guards armed with swords and shields.

We find Josephus speaking with a hooded man at a table at the back of the bar. We notice, strangely, that he has gray hands protruding from his cloak, but we cannot see his face. Josephus gathers us and introduces the man as Ennar, the guide who we met at Dunnerton several months ago. His skin, as we saw, is a pale grey and he has a strange rune tattoo over his left eye. His eyes have an eerie, reddish hue to them.

Josephus explains that he sent Ennar on an “errand” after our adventure in Dunnerton. He traveled to Mulkra, the center of the planet, to find one of Antinius’ Trappings: Berethenu’s Will, the paladin’s fabled longsword. He reached an evil fortress in Mulkra, the home of Y’rzadel the demon and many other sinister creatures. These demons, the servents of the evil god Grom, were charged to protect Berethenu’s Will from falling into the hands of the righteous. Ennar was able to find the resting place of the sword, but was captured before he could obtain it.

Ennar was held captive at the tower for over four months, and was horribly tortured. The demons attempted to turn him evil by casting spells on him, but he managed to escape. While he was fleeing he was able to find the Ring of Restoration, another of Antinius’ Trappings.

Since his return to the surface, Ennar has been studying ways to combat and kill demons. He shows us a weapon he has obtained, a spear with orange glowing runes. He explains that it is the Dark Lance, imbued with runes of pain to slay nearly any foe.

Josephus explains that he will remain and gather more forces to stand against Necros, but we must accompany Ennar back into Mulkra to retrieve Berethenu’s Will and the other artifacts which reside in the demon’s tower. The dwarves and rangers will assist Josephus in his task, as only a small group of us can be transported to Mulkra. The Shadow Hunters, too, will continue their mission of warning the outlying towns of Necros’ return. They have already encountered scattered bands of undead in their travels.

Agreed on our task, we retire for the evening. The next morning we pack our belongings and say our good-byes to everyone. Presently, Ennar produces a black stone from his robes, speaks in a strange language, and a swirling red vortex surrounds us. We feel nauseous, and things go black. We come to and find ourselves on barren rock, with an angry red sky above us.

We see before us our destination, a huge black tower. As we travel toward it, Ennar explains that demons are generally immune to lightning attacks and poison, and can communicate telepathically. In order to resist demon mind control, the party consumes emerki roots before entering the tower.

The party approaches the front door and Ennar proclaims our purpose to the demons within. A small demon appears, and Ennar jabs his wicked spear into it. We advance into the castle and fight the demon hordes in the entryway. After defeating the first wave, we take in our surroundings. There are murals and carvings everywhere, and it is lit by red torches. We move through the fortress, led by Ennar.